customer management
Must not be missing in any fashion ERP system: Customer management provides you with the most important options for managing your customer and delivery addresses as the basis for all further work steps and processes. The principle: You create customer data, contact persons as well as locations and delivery addresses in a central place and use them again and again in the other Indigo modules.
The customer management module offers a wide range of functionalities, which we present below.
Basic data
Here too, if you need it simple, you can have it simple. Even if your customer master data only consists of postal addresses, Indigo supports exactly this simplicity – and off you go.
Employee assigment and priorities
Input, assignment
A first extended possibility could be to assign a customer to a clerk. This then allows you to quickly filter customers and orders that a particular clerk is in charge of.
In addition, you can give customers a priority. You can also filter according to this indicator later during order processing.
Terms of payment and settlement notes
It is common to grant different payment conditions to different customers. In addition, you can enter notes for accounting in the customer master (e.g. a FiBu account number), but also the note whether the customer should perhaps be settled via an external partner (clearing center, factor).
Different delivery and billing addresses
In the customer management module you can do much more than just enter address data: You know from practical experience that a customer not only has several contact persons, but usually also several delivery locations. When different locations, departments and invoice recipients also have to be stored, Indigo shows its strength. No matter how complex the structures are, Indigo helps you keep track of everything.
Indigo Fashion Software - a head start through perfect structures
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