
Textile ERP

Textile ERP Solution by Indigo Fashion Software

The textile industry is constantly evolving and ever-changing: the demand for sustainable materials is higher than ever before and supply chains are becoming increasingly complex and intertwined. An ideal textile ERP software solution needs to be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the industry, but also accessible enough for daily use. Indigo Fashion Software is the ideal ERP system for the textile industry, combining the proven functionality of standard ERP software with features specifically tailored to the needs of the textile industry.

Textile ERP solutions by Indigo Fashion Software – a cut above the rest

Maintain complete control over your production and procurement with Indigo Fashion Software – our cloud-based textile ERP software with unique benefits. As the technology behind textiles becomes more complex, so do the demands for a suiting software. Our developers worked hand in hand with professionals and designers from the textile industry to create a software that can handle the complexity of the industry. Take a look at some of the features of our textile ERP solution:

Cloud-based textile ERP

Production of textiles and assembly of clothing is a worldwide endeavor – especially for growing enterprises, global communication and collaboration becomes more important with each step. Our ERP solution offers cloud-based access, which means you and your coworkers can access every piece of information and data from anywhere in the world. The only thing you need is an internet connection and a modern web browser – no installation required. Create new orders, manage supply, control logistics and more on the fly, right where you are, between all your company divisions.

User-friendly interface

Textile production is one of the most complicated parts of the fashion industry: Not only are textiles getting more and more technological, the network of production, raw materials and customers is immensely interwoven. With more and more data piling up, your ERP solution has to offer a way to navigate your data while also being easy to use. Indigo Fashion Software is designed with ease of usability in mind with a clear-cut user interface that does not compromise on complexity. Our software is easy to use with no prior training needed, reducing training times immensely.

Modularity tailored to your needs

To make our software even simpler, you can choose to turn off unneeded modules in seconds, reducing the complexity even further. Is there some functionality missing? Just contact our developers – we will customize your ERP software for your needs.

Core functions of our textile ERP software

Our textile ERP starts with the core functionality of a standard ERP solution, but builds on top of that with modules essential to the textile industry:

  • Management of available materials and producers
  • Monitoring of logistics and production
  • Financial overview, including costs, offer management and more
  • Workflow automation and supply chain optimazation
  • Easy drag-and-drop interfaces for your designers
  • Management of apparel collections
  • Sales functionality
  • Support for third party platforms like Shopify or Zalando
  • And more!

We built our textile ERP with modularity in mind. If your company needs additional functionality, our developers are more than happy to support you.

Be on top of the industry with your textile ERP solution from Indigo Fashion Software

Your systems and processes are already established and engrained in your day-to-day-business, which makes switching ERP systems hard. We from Indigo Fashion Software know this – and want to make the switch as easy as possible.

Before you fully change ERP systems, we want you to have an opportunity to test your new textile ERP solution thoroughly. Contact us for a customized demo version that will include tailor-made functionality for your business. If you are ready to make the switch, we offer a full migration from your old system to the new software (enterprise-customers only).

Give us a call or send us an email – we are looking forward to working with you!